Ox Gallstones Uganda
Gallstones are formed by the accumulation of bilirubin, a yellow substance produced by red blood cells that isn’t excreted through the bile duct. They can block the duct and cause more serious complications including inflammation and death.
Abattoirs across Australia are now raking in a small but lucrative sum for each stone they retrieve from the evisceration table during slaughter. It’s a business that’s only been possible because of one young man: Sunshine Trading’s Gerard Murtagh.
Medicinal Value
Gallstones, also known as calculus bovis, are a naturally occurring lump of calcite that develops inside a variety of mammals, mainly cattle. They can be found in the bile ducts or near the liver and can vary in size, shape and colour.
They are a natural byproduct of the digestive system and have been prized for their purported medicinal properties since at least Ancient China, Persia and Greece. Originally, gallstones were believed to have curative properties that could be used for everything from sore throats to lung disease.
In recent years, however, slaughterhouses have cottoned on to the lucrative gallstone market and are turning these small lumps of animal tissue into a windfall. Often sourced via darknet marketplaces and private Facebook groups, the stones are worth a fortune to the right buyer, thanks to their pharmacological properties.
The value of individual gallstones is largely determined by their dryness, colour, texture and size. Generally speaking, whole, smooth, lustrous golden specimens are the most valuable of all. Pitted and dark gallstones are of lower value, but stones with calcium inclusions (white) are still of interest to collectors.
Medicinal uses of gallstones are a dime a dozen in Chinese herbal medicine, but the medicinal value of these gems is relatively unheard of outside of that country. The medicinal value of gallstones is in their bilirubin, which is thought to have antioxidant properties and can be used to treat ailments from sore throats to heart disease.
Aside from being a useful tool, bilirubin is also photosensitive and degenerates in light, which is why it is commonly used to manufacture a range of pharmaceutical products. Because of its many properties, bilirubin is often considered a better alternative to a synthetic gallstone for use in traditional Chinese medicines.
Export Potential
Ox Gallstones Uganda have the potential to be a lucrative business for entrepreneurs. They have a high demand and are scarce in many countries, making them an excellent source of income for farmers and other people who want to make money without requiring any special equipment or skills.
There are a number of different ways that you can earn money with ox gallstones, including selling them as parts or whole. The amount that you can earn depends on how much time and effort you put into it, as well as the quality of the stones you choose to sell.
You can buy your ox gallstones from farmers or from abattoirs and then ship them directly to buyers who will pay you for them. There is a great deal of fluctuation in how much buyers will pay for your ox gallstones, so it’s important to keep close tabs on the market rate.
Some buyers will require that you purchase a minimum amount of ox gallstones, and some will even ask for detailed invoicing and other information. Ensure that you understand these requirements before sending your package to the buyer so that you do not waste more time and money than necessary.
When purchasing ox gallstones, you should make sure that you get stones that are intact and have not been cut or broken in any way. This is essential because any defects will cost you money in the long run.
It is also important to check the size and cohesion of your ox gallstones. If they are broken or fragmented, you will not be able to sell them as parts or whole, and so they will lose value.
Depending on the quality of your ox gallstones, you could potentially earn hundreds of dollars per gram. The highest payments are for large, intact stones that are golden brown and have a smooth surface.
It’s not hard to find a buyer who will buy your ox gallstones, and you can get started on this lucrative and easy to start business right away. You can start small and gradually increase your production as you become more experienced with the business.
MONDAY’s report about charges being laid against an abattoir employee for stealing gallstones has aroused considerable interest among Beef Central readers. While gallstones certainly have the potential to be worth a fortune, they are also highly rare and require considerable processing in order to be made into useful products.
The’stones’ in question are the byproduct of bile extraction at the slaughter process, and form within a number of bovine species, depending on their diet and age. They can be rounded, egg shaped, square or pyramid shaped, and in the case of Ox gallstones are sometimes formed as a tube from the bile ducts.
Once extracted from the cattle’s intestines the stones are washed thoroughly to remove blood and other contaminants and then dried for two to three weeks in a dark, well-ventilated room at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. They are moved around regularly during the drying process to help dry them more effectively, and to avoid them sticking together.
A small pellet of a golden or golden ox gallstone weighing in at just under three grams costs US$195, which is a good snip for the value it provides. While they aren’t in the top ten most commonly used medicines in China, they have a high demand and are the subject of many research projects.
Ox Gallstones Uganda are a unique and rare cattle byproduct. They are an important component in Asian alternate medicines, including a proprietary Chinese medicine called Formula Angong Niuhuang Wan (Coptis root, Rhinohorn, Shexiang and Natural Indigo).
In Asia, the value of these stones can be as high as HK$19,000 for one tael, i.e. three grams, making them a highly prized Chinese herbal medicine. This makes them a very lucrative export opportunity for U.S beef processing plants to consider.
After being removed from the bovine they are washed in cold water to remove blood clots and other impurities and stored in a dark, well ventilated room at 20 degrees Celsius for two to three weeks. The stones are moved regularly to avoid them sticking together and are then dried in hermetically sealed bags.
The dryness, colour and texture of the individual stones are of great importance in determining their marketability. Whole, smooth, lustrous golden specimens attract the highest prices. However, dark and pitted stones as well as those with calcium inclusions are of reduced value.
After extracting the gallstones from the cow, the stones are washed to remove blood clots and other pollutants and then stored in a dark, well ventilated environment at 20 degrees Celsius for two to three weeks. They are moved regularly to ensure better drying and to avoid them sticking together. The stones are then packed in hermetically sealed bags and shipped. Shipments are classified into liver stones, kidney stones, pipes, moldy stones, blood stones, cholesterol stones and stones descending from other animals.
Ox Gallstones Uganda