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Chinese Ox Gallstones

Chinese Ox Gallstones Chinese ox gallstones are one of the most popular medicinal herbs used in traditional medicine. They contain a calcium bilirubinate molecule that has antipyretic, anticonvulsive, and bacterial growth inhibition effects. Because they have these...

Symptoms of a Natural Bezoar

Symptoms of a Natural Bezoar Whether you're dealing with a gastric bezoar or not, there are certain symptoms to look out for, which you should be aware of. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with these signs and prevent them from becoming too severe. Man-made bezoars...

How Does Calculus Bovis Work in Treating PLC?

How Does Calculus Bovis Work in Treating PLC? Historically, Calculus bovis has been used as an herbal medicine to treat various diseases in China. This herb has been used as an oral medication for a variety of conditions, including convulsions and high fever. Chemical...