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MONDAY’S Report About the Theft of Ox Gallstones From a Queensland Abattoir prompted a Flurry of Activity on Social Media

周一关于昆士兰屠宰场牛胆结石失窃的报道在社交媒体上引起了一阵骚动 周一关于昆士兰屠宰场胆结石失窃的报道提高了这种稀有商品的知名度。许多人很快就说,加工商一定是在以牺牲牛肉生产商为代价从中发财。 然而,原始标本的价值可能高达每公斤 25 美元。对于那些愿意投入一些时间和精力来保存这些宝贵的天然产品的人来说,这可能是一笔可观的利润。 牛胆结石产品 胆结石是一种常见的牛副产品,通常存在于母牛和公牛等年长动物身上。它们是在取内脏台上的胆汁提取过程中回收的,可以在肉类加工业中以高价出售。...

How Do Ox Gallstones Get to Be Worth So Much?

How Do Ox Gallstones Get to Be Worth So Much? The recent arrest of an employee at a cattle abattoir in southeastern Queensland, Australia over the theft of gallstones from cows has aroused considerable interest. But how do these ox gallstones get to be worth so much?...

Ox Gallstones Kuwait – The Star of the Oxbow

Ox Gallstones Kuwait - The Star of the Oxbow Ox gallstones Kuwait are a byproduct of the meat industry that is in high demand as a precious Chinese herbal medicine. They can be sold either as natural gallstones or combined with other ingredients to create a...