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Ox Gallstones Norway

Ox Gallstones Norway Gallstones are naturally formed inside a number of bovines. They develop mainly depending on their diet and age. They are in high demand for use in Chinese medicine and can fetch up to EUR35,000 a kg in the Far East. However, the supply is limited...

Ox Gallstones Sweden

Ox Gallstones Sweden Ox gallstones are naturally occurring biles that develop inside a number of bovines depending on age and diet. They are typically located in the gallbladder. These cattle biles are a valuable commodity for the pharmacopeia. They are washed...

Buying and Selling Ox Gallstones France

Buying and Selling Ox Gallstones France Gallstones are a common occurrence in humans. Essentially, they are lumps of bile that have backed up in the gallbladder and will not move to your small intestine as it is designed to do. They can also form in a range of shapes...