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Ox Gallstones Tunis – Are Processors Making a Fortune?

Ox Gallstones Tunis - Are Processors Making a Fortune? MONDAY'S story on the theft of gallstones from a southeast Queensland abattoir has stirred up interest among readers. Some have suggested processors are making a fortune from this rare commodity, at beef...

Ox Gallstones Egypt

Ox Gallstones Egypt Gallstones are a common problem that affects a large number of people. These stones block the bile ducts and can cause fever, chills, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), and infected bile ducts. In his chief published work, Twelve Books of...

Ox Gallstones Africa

Ox Gallstones Africa Gallstones are a by-product of the meat industry, but are also in high demand as a precious Chinese herbal medicine. Currently, domestic supply is reportedly limited to just one metric ton per year for a variety of proprietary Chinese medicines....