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Ox Gallstones Burundi

Ox Gallstones Burundi Gallstones are formed when the levels of cholesterol in bile become too high and the excess forms into stones. They occur in many different forms and vary in size from as small as a grain of sand to a golf ball. There is a great demand for...

Ox Gallstones – Are Processors Making a Fortune?

Ox Gallstones - Are Processors Making a Fortune? Earlier this week, the Australian media reported that gallstones from beef cattle are worth as much as $20,000 a kilogram. This has led to the assumption that processors must be making a fortune at the expense of beef...

Ox Gallstones Uganda

Ox Gallstones Uganda Gallstones are formed by the accumulation of bilirubin, a yellow substance produced by red blood cells that isn't excreted through the bile duct. They can block the duct and cause more serious complications including inflammation and death....