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Ox Gallstones South Africa

Ox Gallstones South Africa It was a feisty 19-year-old with a bright entrepreneurial vision that changed the world of cattle gallstones forever. Gerard Murtagh launched Sunshine Trading, a family business that now deals with more than 50 abattoirs across Australia....

Ox Gallstones Botswana

Ox Gallstones Botswana Gallstones form when your bile contains too much of a chemical called bilirubin. Your liver makes this substance when red blood cells are broken down. The bile is then stored in your gallbladder until it's needed. When you eat, your body signals...

Ox Gallstones Are Worth Up to $20,000 a Kilogram in Mozambique

Ox Gallstones Are Worth Up to $20,000 a Kilogram in Mozambique MONDAY'S story about charges being laid against an employee at a southeast Queensland abattoir over the theft of gallstones has aroused considerable interest. It is believed these stones are worth up to...